I’m very sorry I’m hurting you this way
But this to you I must say
For if I don’t I would be doing
The very same wrong for which I’m atoning
I don’t deserve the friendship of
A person as good as you are
I am not the right kind of company
I’m not fit to be the friend of any human being
I’m the worst kind of friend you can have
The kind that no one should ever have
I hate to look at myself in the mirror
I’m that kind that no one on the earth deserves
For the kind of things I’ve said and done
I should burn in hell, not go to heaven
I hope justice will prevail in the end
When I’m dead and gone
I’ve cheated you so much and yet you believe
Each word I say is a lie and yet you trust in me
You deserve so much more and I know that you know so
So I must let you go
And I will do just that, but before I do so
I must say these few words more
I’ve lied to you for far too long
I know that I’ve done wrong
So I’m going to make up for my mistakes
Say I’m sorry and just walk away
This must be hurting you but you must know
None of this is your fault, you’ve done nothing wrong
I’m the one to blame here
I hope you understand my dear.
I won’t lie to you anymore
This I promise you for sure
I will not cheat you ever again
For you are just too innocent
And to cheat you would be a great sin
The likes of which cannot be forgiven.
Take care and good bye
Hope you live a lovely life
With no one to cheat you
With no one to lie to you
With no one like me to hurt you
With someone who deserves you